Hospital Emergency

April 1, 2008

A team of N doctors are working in a hospital emergency room after an earthquake. The doctors are all on the same shift, which is SHIFT hours long. There are a number of wounded patients. Each patient has a probability (as a percentage) of survival if not treated, a time (in hours) required to treat them, and a probability (as a percentage) of survival if treated. This data is encoded in an array strings PATIENTS, each element describing one patient in the form:
e.g “56 78 5” means the patient has a 56% change of survival if untreated, or a 78% chance of survival after treatment, which takes 5 hours

You should return the maximum expected number of surviving patients.

double expectedSurvivors(int n,int shift,string []patients)

 – each patient can only be treated by one doctor

 – n is between 1 and 10 inclusive
– shift is between 1 and 100 inclusive
– patients has between 1 and 50 elements inclusive
– each element of patients has only whitespace and numerical digits
– for each element of patients, TREATED and UNTREATED are between 0 and 100, inclusive
– for each element of patients, TREATMENT_TIME is between 1 and shift, inclusive

You can post code… but I can’t actually test it.